Company Profile
About National Peroxide Ltd
National Peroxide Limited (NPL) is a public limited Company established in 1954 and is listed on BSE Limited, Mumbai. We are also certified for ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, RC - 14001 Responsible Care System and ISO-50001 Energy Management System. Our company is also certified for the Prestigious Responsible care Logo by Indian Chemical Council, an apex body in India for implementation of Responsible Care in all industries.
NPL is a pioneer in India for peroxygen chemicals and is the largest manufacturer of Hydrogen Peroxide in India, with an installed capacity of 150,000 MTPA on 50% w/w basis. It's fully integrated manufacturing site for Hydrogen Peroxide is located at Kalyan in Maharashtra (India).

Hydrogen Peroxide is a highly versatile chemical used in various industries for Bleaching, Chemical synthesis, Environmental control/ Effluent treatment, Sterilisation etc. The single most important constituent of Hydrogen Peroxide is the “active oxygen” that it provides in the aforementioned end-uses. The “active oxygen” is obtained by the controlled decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, with water as the by-product. Hence, whether it is bleaching, or chemical synthesis, the use of Hydrogen Peroxide provides a very “clean” process without the production of any harmful or environmentally unsafe products.
In India, Hydrogen Peroxide is manufactured to international standards by National Peroxide Limited, using the auto-oxidation process, at its most modern and up-to-date plant near Kalyan, Maharashtra.
NPL’s Hydrogen Peroxide is a concentrated aqueous solution containing 50% Hydrogen Peroxide by weight and is commonly referred to as Hydrogen Peroxide 50% w/w. It is specially stabilised for Indian climatic conditions. We also produce Hydrogen Peroxide in 35%, 60% and 70% concentration.
The Company also produces the "Compressed Hydrogen Gas" and "Per Acetic Acid".